The Missouri Nurses Association and Missouri Nursing Students’ Association would like to invite you to participate in the 2023 MONA/MONSA Fall Conference scheduled for October 10 at Capitol Plaza Hotel in Jefferson City, Missouri.
Register now to join your colleagues in Jefferson City!
Looking for the Conference Agenda?
Scroll down.
Pre-registration is required for participation in the event. No registrations are accepted after October 2, 2023.
Registration Fees
$60.00 MONA Member
$90.00 Non-Member
$30.00 Undergraduate RN Student
Visit the official registration page by clicking the Register Now! button above.
The Fall Conference will provide an excellent opportunity to network with nurses and nursing students from across the state and we hope you will choose to join us. On behalf of Missouri Nurses and future nurses, we appreciate your consideration and would be honored to receive your support through participation as a sponsor!
Who will be in Attendance?
All Missouri RNs and nursing students will be invited to participate in this year’s event giving you an opportunity to market your product, service or event to nurses from a variety of practice settings and educational level, from all four corners of the state. We hope you will choose to support our event!

AGENDA - Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Exhibitor Setup
Registration and Exhibits Open
Continental Breakfast – provided
MONSA Business Meeting
MONA – continue enjoying breakfast and networking with exhibitors
GENERAL SESSION – Elevating Your Nursing Career: Leveraging Professional Organizations
to Develop Your Mentorship and Advocacy (1.0 contact hour)
Kenya Williams, EdD, MSN, RN, RP, CAE
Networking Break – Visit Exhibits
MONA Membership Assembly Business Meeting
MONSA Breakout Session – NCLEX Review: Fluid Volume Deficit
Valerie Oglesby, MBA, RN, CNOR
MONA/MONSA Awards Presentation
Luncheon – provided
Visit Exhibits
Networking Break – Visit Exhibits
GENERAL SESSION – Human Trafficking (1.0 contact hour)
Tracy Bocklage and Lindsey Campbell
Networking Break – Visit Exhibits
Exhibits close at 3:30 pm
GENERAL SESSION – Hot Topics in Nursing Practice: Roundtable Discussions (1.0 contact hour)
Final Thoughts (0.5 contact hours)
MONSA Election Results Announced
Sleeping rooms have been blocked for the Missouri Nurses Association at the Capitol Plaza Hotel for October 9 at a rate of $115.00 plus taxes.
Reservations can be made by contacting the hotel at 573-635-1234 identifying yourself with the Missouri Nurses Association/Missouri Nursing Students' Association. Alternatively, you may reserve your room online.
Reservations must be made on or before September 9, 2023.
Successful Completion - Attendees must pre-register, participate in all of the educational sessions and complete the online conference evaluation to receive a certificate of completion. The link to the online evaluation will be emailed to participants (to the email address provided at registration) upon conclusion of the activity.
Contact Hours – Participants meeting the successful completion requirements will receive 3.5 contact hours.
Relevant Financial Relationships – No relevant financial relationships were identified for any member of the planning committee or any presenter/author of program content.
3.5 contact hours are available to those who meet the successful completion requirements.
The Midwest Multistate Division is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
What is the Midwest Multistate Division? The Kansas State Nurses Association, Missouri Nurses Association and Nebraska Nurses Association formed a collaborative, namely the Midwest Multistate Division (Midwest MSD), with the goal of promoting efficiencies and growth. As part of this collaborative, the Midwest MSD Professional Development Unit (PD Unit) was formed, which is accredited as an ANCC approver and provider of NCPD, to address the educational needs of nurses in the Midwest region.
Questions? Please contact Sara Fry at sara@midwestnurses.org with any questions.
Capitol Plaza Hotel
415 West McCarty Street
Jefferson City, MO, 65101