Start a Chapter
National Student Nurses’ Association
45 Main St., Suite 606
Brooklyn, New York 11201
718-210-0705 | FAX 718-797-1186
The National Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA) is a membership organization representing students in state approved Associate Degree, Diploma, Baccalaureate, generic Masters and generic Doctoral programs preparing students for Registered Nurse licensure as well as RNs in BSN completion programs. Once you become a member of NSNA then you are a member of the Missouri Nursing Students’ Association (MONSA).
Participation in NSNA's activities offers students opportunities for involvement in shared-governance and leadership skill development at the school, state and national levels. In addition, NSNA's valuable benefit program provides an attractive package of services and products.
Begin to plan now to achieve 2021 Constituency Status which entitles your school to representation at the annual NSNA House of Delegates. The House of Delegates meets during NSNA’s Annual Convention in Houston, TX, April 7 - 11, 2021.
The first thing you need is to become familiar with Getting the Pieces to Fit, NSNA's handbook for school and state chapters. Also NSNA's Guidelines for Planning Ethics and Governance it contains a script that can be used at the first meeting to officially organize the chapter. Model bylaws are also included. The model bylaws are a guideline and, with the exception of the areas of conformity which appear on the constituency application, the bylaws should be created to meet your school chapter’s needs.
Official school constituents are entitled to the following privileges:
Delegate representation in the House of Delegates at the Annual Convention.
Eligibility for prizes and awards offered by NSNA.
Opportunities for participation in the NSNA's programs and awards (such as health policy and advocacy, population and global health, ethics and governance, and Breakthrough to Nursing).
Leadership opportunities at the school, state and national levels.
Participation in the NSNA Leadership U.
The deadline for having 10 members in a school is February 10, 2021 (eight weeks prior to convention). You can check the membership report for a count of members at your school. The Official Application for Constituency Status must be completed and submitted online no later than April 23, 2021, after the close of the House of Delegates meeting.
The Membership Recruitment Guidelines is filled with recruitment ideas. If students are interested in program development (i.e. health policy and advocacy, Breakthrough to Nursing, or population and global health), NSNA staff is happy to assist you. All of NSNA’s publications are available on www.nsna.org under PUBLICATIONS.
“Catch the Wave with NSNA” is an inspirational video to introduce nursing students to the benefits of joining the National Student Nurses’ Association. This video captures the imagination of every nursing student who views it. Use it often for your recruitment presentations! Download the video: Catch the Wave with NSNA (running time: approximately 10 minutes). Have the membership brochures ready to distribute once you have shown the video. Use the brochure order form.
NSNA members may participate in the NSNA Leadership University. You can find details on NSNA Leadership U. Students can enhance their academic experience by earning college credit and recognition for participating in NSNA’s many leadership opportunities. NSNA Leadership U is an extended campus and gateway to leadership success. Faculty, Deans, Program Directors and Chairs are encouraged to request information on mapping their curriculum to NSNA’s Leadership University.
Total School Membership save students more on NSNA membership by discussing with students and faculty and implementing the NSNA’s Total Membership Plan in your nursing program. The NSNA is ready to assist you to make this method of NSNA membership enrollment work for your school. Please contact Cathy Ramos, Membership Staff Specialist, at cathy@nsna.org in order to begin to collaborate on this exciting initiative.
Involvement in NSNA also provides students with a unique leadership development experience. The Marilyn Bagwell Leadership Development Fund provides funding for school clubs to establish official NSNA chapters at their school or to support travel expenses for students to attend state and national conventions.
I suggest that you check the Missouri Nursing Students’ Association web page: www.monsa.org. You can also contact the state organization to assist you at 573-979-2468 or email at monsa.org@gmail.com. For assistance with Total School Membership feel free to call 718-210-0705 ext. 1216 or email me at cathy@nsna.org. Good luck and thank you for your interest in NSNA/MONSA.
We look forward to hearing from you. Here are some links to other resources that will be of assistance.
School Chapter Resources
Membership Benefits
Membership Brochure
Ethics and Governance
Consultants/Advisors Guidelines
Membership Application
Treasurer's Handbook which contains treasurer’s essential tools including information on Incorporation and tax exemption.
Missouri Nursing Students’ Association
P. O. BOX 345
Jackson, Missouri 63755