Candidate Application
Eligibility, Election Rules and General Information
Candidates for office must be an active member of the National Student Nurses’ Association. Only active members with the privileges of membership shall be eligible for the offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer, Southern Missouri Director, Northern Missouri Director, St. Louis Area Director.
Candidates shall complete an application for office, provide proof of NSNA membership, and have given consent to serve. Candidates can self-nominate as a pre-slated candidate.
Candidates shall have obtained consent from their Dean/Director or SNA Faculty Advisor to hold office. Candidates must be in good standing in nursing program. Candidates for office must be actively enrolled in a nursing program taking nursing courses.
Board of Directors candidates shall be nursing students currently enrolled in a nursing program for at least five (5) months of a term of office and agree to fulfill their commitment to their position on the MONSA Boards of Directors throughout their full one-year term of office.
No member shall hold more than one MONSA office at any time.
All officers shall maintain the minimum academic requirements set by their nursing programs. If an officer fails to meet those requirements, he/she will relinquish his/her office.
The official term of office, for each elected state officer, shall be one year from the adjournment of the annual meeting at which officers are elected, to the adjournment of the annual meeting at which their successors are elected. Outgoing officers shall serve as a resource to their respective predecessors and shall transfer all files related to their office in a timely manner.
The officers shall perform the duties prescribed by the parliamentary authority, and more specifically, shall include:
1. The President shall:
a. Serve as the principal officer of the association and preside at all meetings of the association, the Executive Board, and the Executive Committee.
b. Shall be responsible for seeing that lines of direction given by the House of Delegates and the action of the Board of Directors are carried into effect and for reporting to the membership and the Board of Directors on the conduct of the affairs of the association.
c. Appoint committees and their chairpersons, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, and make other appointments as necessary.
d. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominations and Elections Committee.
e. Represent MONSA in matters relating to the association and perform all other duties pertaining to the office.
f. Have other powers and perform other duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors.
g. Act as a delegate to the NSNA House of Delegate and attend Council of State Presidents meetings as funds allow.
2. The Vice President shall:
a. Assume the duties of the President in the absence of the president.
b. Assume the office of President in case of vacancy in the office.
c. Plan the annual meeting of the Convention in conjunction with the State Consultant.
d. Perform other duties as assigned by the President and the Board of Directors.
3. The Secretary/Treasurer shall:
a. Prepare the minutes of all business meeting of the Association and ensure accuracy prior to distribution to the Board of Directors for action.
b. Submit Board of Directors meeting minutes to the NSNA office.
c. Work in conjunction with the State Consultant to keep NSNA informed of the state officers and any changes made throughout the year.
d. Work in conjunction with the State Consultant to prepare communications for the association website and other social media areas as needed.
e. Assist the Convention Coordinator/State Consultant is managing annual meeting registration.
f. Act as custodian of Association funds and see that an annual financial report is prepared.
g. Serve as chairperson of the finance committee when such a committee is established by the Board of Directors.
h. Serve as chairperson of the fundraising committee when such as committee is established by the Board of Directors.
i. Provide guidance to the Board of Directors as to disbursement of funds and investment of resources.
j. Perform other duties as assigned by the President and the Board of Directors.
4. The Regional Director shall:
a. There will be three Regional Directors elected (Northern, Southern, and St. Louis) Each director will correspond with each constituent school in their respective region on a regular basis.
b. Notify all constituent schools in their region of the time and place of all regularly scheduled meeting of the MONSA Board of Directors.
c. Work in conjunction with the State Consultant to prepare communications for the MONSA website, social media and other communications as needed.
d. Report to the Board of Directors on activities and correspondence in their respective regions at each regularly scheduled meeting.
e. Provide copies of all correspondence to the president and secretary monthly for the archives of the association.
f. Register with NSNA as a Project-in-Touch Recruiter within one month of election.
g. Perform other duties as assigned by the President and the Board of Directors.