Please mark your calendars for the Missouri Nurses Association (MONA) and Missouri Nursing Students’ Association (MONSA) 2023 Fall Conference to be held on Tuesday, October 10 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Jefferson City, Missouri.
Corporate sponsorships are available for the MONA/MONSA Fall Conference, with levels ranging from $500.00 to $2,500. As a sponsor of the MONA/MONSA Fall Conference, you will receive preferred table placement, advertising opportunities and recognition of your support in a variety of methods depending on the level of sponsorship, and more.
Scroll down for various sponsorship options for companies/hospitals/universities interested in supporting the event. We need your support to make this event a success!
Register Online by September 1, 2023
Information about the event and sponsorship opportunities may be found below, or contact Sara at the Midwest Multistate Division office by email at: sara@midwestnurses.org
What is the Midwest Multistate Division? The Kansas State Nurses Association, Missouri Nurses Association and Nebraska Nurses Association formed a collaborative, namely the Midwest Multistate Division (Midwest MSD), with the goal of promoting efficiencies and growth. As part of this collaborative, the Midwest MSD Professional Development Unit (PD Unit) was formed, which is accredited as an ANCC approver and provider of NCPD, to address the educational needs of nurses in the Midwest region.

GOLD $2,500
One (1) 15-30 second advertisement (supplied by company) to share on social media two times prior, during or after the Fall Conference
Recognition for support of the Fall Conference in one (1) edition of the MONA e-newsletter (company logo/name)
Recognition for support of the Fall Conference in one (1) edition of the MONSA e-newsletter (company logo/name)
Recognition as a sponsor of the breakfast or lunch during the 2023 Fall Conference
Recognition as a Fall Conference sponsor on MONA & MONSA websites (company logo/clickable image)
Recognition as a Fall Conference sponsor at the event (company logo/name; deadline permitting)
Two (2) 6ft, skirted, exhibit tables at the 2023 Fall Conference on October 10, with prime location (includes two lunch tickets)
Two (2) complimentary 2023 Fall Conference attendee event registrations
SILVER $1,250
One (1) 15-30 second advertisement (supplied by company) to share on social media once prior, during or after the Fall Conference
Recognition for support of the Fall Conference in one (1) edition of the MONA e-newsletter (company logo/name)
Recognition for support of the Fall Conference in one (1) edition of the MONSA e-newsletter (company logo/name)
Recognition as a sponsor of a networking break during the 2023 Fall Conference
Recognition as a Fall Conference sponsor on MONA & MONSA websites (company logo)
Recognition as a Fall Conference sponsor at the event (company logo/name; deadline permitting)
One (1) 6-foot, skirted exhibit table at the 2023 Fall Conference on October 10, with prime location (includes one lunch ticket)
One (1) complimentary 2023 Fall Conference attendee event registration
Recognition as a Fall Conference sponsor on MONA & MONSA websites (name only)
Recognition as a Fall Conference sponsor at the event (deadline permitting)
One (1) 6-foot, skirted exhibit table at the 2023 Fall Conference on October 10 (includes one lunch ticket)
For information about the event and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Sara at the Midwest Multistate Division office by email at sara@midwestnurses.org